1. IDEATION stage.  It is best to have a scalable idea with a rarity justified by your concept. If you mint/issue a limited amount of art pieces – people want to know why and how it will be enforced to avoid future dilution, which will decrease investment attractiveness. If the concept is part of the game or you already have thousands of followers – this part may be skipped. If you are trying to incorporate your ART into metaverse thru NFTs and your community is still small – it is advisable to give your concept a foundation – Concept paper or Whitepaper if you are familiar with the ICO process.

2. Identifying reward and locking the reward. Bounty community is about recruiting potential influencers that will be key players in expanding your outreach.  The reward should be scalable based on the project’s success – so the bigger it grows the more they get. Usually, it should be defined in percentages for extra motivation.  Reward works two ways – it does not just motivate in terms of monetary reward, it turns your followers into loyal brand ambassadors. It is a very important step as it defines the chemistry and reach of your project.

3. Promoting your Bounty campaign. In order to put your Bounty campaign on the map, you will need to advertise it within crypto, gaming, blockchain, art communities – the possibilities here are endless as you are at the cross of disciplines and can hit multiple targets with one shot.

  1. Social media management. In order to harvest all the crops from Bounty it is important to assign effective social media managers that will lead the growing community:
  • Create inspiring content
  • Cultivate engagement 
  • Reach out to influencers

It is recommended to have a presence on at least three media platforms among the below:

  • Discord
  • Telegram
  • Twitter
  • Instagram

Make sure to not assign the same person to Discord and Instagram – these are very different media channels and require totally customized approaches.

It all sounds simple, like something you and your team can execute on their own. But believe us we can help reach way more people.

 OUR Unfair advantages:

  1. We make data-driven decisions as we have access to unique crypto analytics, loads of Big Data, and even adjusting tiny things like time/frequency of posts will make a huge impact.
  2. We have access to unique PR opportunities and actively use them for our client’s good
  3. We know everything about sales of NFT and pretty much can predict with 90% whether the idea will fly. We won’t ever work with somebody whose idea does not stand a chance.
  4. We bought hundreds of thousands of loyal followers to your competitors already) – even though we make sure you are not in direct competition with our current and former clients and won’t ever re-recruit followers.
  5. We came from fundraising and crypto funding events which gave us a unique perspective on buying and selling within the context of Metaverse.

We onboard new clients for community management once in 3 months. If you are interested in working with us to grow your outreach – Dec 21st is the next opening.

  • Our clients have been featured on Forbes 46 times this year, 20 times in LA Times, 29 times on Yahoo, 12 times on NY Times
  • We bought 200 000 followers to our clients on DIscord and Twitter.
  • Our clients have sold 300 ETH worth of ART, Music, and Domains since November 2020.