1. We prefer working with clients who have been referred to us and offer 10% discount.

The reason is trust. It takes time to establish confidence, and if you are coming referred by someone whom we worked with in the past it makes our job easier and thus 5% more affordable to you!

  1. We don’t provide references. Anymore.

We did in the past when the volume of inquiries allowed us to filter out the noise and get to the real deal.

Now we on average receive hundreds of inquiries monthly, most asking for “proof of work” coming from past clients who succeeded in the ICOs or private NFT sales. Oftentimes this results in networking attempts and advisor proposals which harms us more than the potential benefit of doing business with new clients.

  1. Fees. 

Unfortunately, due to the natural desire to eat and use water and power, we can not work based on the future fees received after NFT sales or successful ICO. Sorry.

  1. Can I call you now?

We don’t provide consultations anymore. We publish educational materials on our blog here, but currently, our schedule is several months overbooked to be able to mentor potential clients over the phone.

If you are willing to talk to us in order to gain trust – we can schedule a 10-minute call with a clear agenda, agreed beforehand. Though we doubt that hearing a voice over the phone does build trust)

If you insist on having the call please note: we won’t be able to give lectures on how NFTs minted on Ethereum from Tezos or Solana, how is ICO different from ETO , answer questions like:  why do I need Bounty, how much money did you raise, etc.

Such questions can be discussed via email. Phone calls are reserved for discovering the opportunities of working together and the introductory stage is limited to 10 minutes. Should be booked in advance.

  1. Emails.

We love emails. Smart contracts are all about clear defined parameters that have to be executed. That is why we love to have everything organized in writing. We dismiss all the proposals “ let’s finalize over the phone call”.  The aftermath of “ he said” “ she said” is huge for the business.

Emails work like an immutable ledger that allows you to track the train of thought and give a chance to think things over. If you decide to work with us – please make sure that you are ready to communicate in such a mode.

If the above has not scared you away, please drop us a line at yes@nftmay.com and our manager will respond in time.